Greentech 2024 - Conference Program| Tuesday,17 September 2024


11:15 - 12:15

Innovation Session: Exploring Non-Wired Alternatives – Advancing Technologies for Enhancing Energy Resilience Nationwide

Moderator: Zviya Baron, Founder & CEO, CtD

Invited Speakers :

Erwin Tal-Gutelmacher, CEO, Hydrolite Ltd

Dr. Bat-El Cohen Wiesel, CTO, SOLRA-PV

Irit Fidel, CEO, Fidelity Energy Consulting

Moran Buganim, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael KKL-JNF

12:15 - 13:00

Municipality Session: Green Energy Initiatives in Municipalities – Innovations and Challenges

Moderator: Yael Cohen Paran, Policy Director, Israel Energy Forum

Invited Speakers:

Nir Sahar, Regional Authority Sharon Carmel

Hillel Shachar, Jerusalem Municipality

Tali Kaplan Finish, Rishon LeZion Municipality

Tal Har Even Levy, Holon Municipality

Moran Slakmon, Tel Aviv – Yafo Municipality 

Asaf Karavani, Director of Forest Management and Monitoring Department, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael KKL-JNF

13:00 - 13:45


Amir Livne, Senior VP of Strategy, Innovation and Restructure Process, Israel Electric Corporation, “Future Energy: Opportunities & Challenges”

Dr. Moshe Tshuva, Head of Mechanical Engineering School, Afeka College, “Electricity 100: Growing Energy Business Leadership”

Dr. Gur Mittelman, Lecturer, Afeka College,”The Potential of Renewable Electricity in Israel in 2050″

14:45 - 16:00

Wind Energy Session: Innovations and Challenges in Wind Energy Deployment

Moderator: Prof. David Greenblatt, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Invited Speakers: 

Dr. Eldad Avital, Reader – Fluids and Acoustics, Queen Mary University of London, “Kinetic Turbine Blade Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Design Improvements”

Dr. Daniel Farb, Founder and CEO, Flower Turbines, “Innovations in Small Wind Turbines”

Prof. David Greenblatt, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Technion – Israel Institue of Technology, “Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Concept for Multiple Decentralized Applications”

Prof. Hezi Gildor – The Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, “Pinned Wind – Wind Behaviour Deciphered at Precise Locations”

Dr. Moshe Zilberman, Head of Green Energy Center, Azrieli College of Engineering, Jerusalem, “Wind Energy Harvesting on Rooftops and Urbane Environment by Small Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT) “

Eitan Peled, CEO, Pelop, “Introduction of Vertical Wind Turbines to Israel”


16:00 - 17:10

* Waste-to-X Session: Innovations and Opportunities in Converting Waste to Energy

Moderator: Dr. Yaal Lester, Department of Civil Engineering, Azrieli College of Engineering, Jerusalem

Invited Speakers :

Dr. Yaal Lester, Department of Civil Engineering, Azrieli College of Engineering, Jerusalem, “Closing the Cycle: Using Organic Waste and Flue Gases for Producing Activated Carbon for Beneficial Reuse”

Prof. Yoram Gerchman, Head of MEd Program for Highschool Science Teaching, Oranim College, Adjunct Researcher, University of Haifa, “Ethanol from Agri-Wastes”

Dr Yoav Lindemann, Manager of National Waste-Infrastructure Development, The Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection, “WtE in Israel: The Challenges, the Opportunities, and the Importance of this Field for the Israeli Market” 

Dr. Chanan Gabay, CBDO, Zohar CleanTech, “ZoharX – Waste to Hydrogen”

Yossef Rahavi, COO, Blend Energy, “Waste to Energy”

Ophira Melamed, CEO, NitroFix, “Generating Green Ammonia Via Electrochemical Reaction of Water and Air”

Greentech 2024 - Conference Program| Wednesday, 18 September 2024

09:00 - 10:00

Israel's Position on Renewable Energy Policy: Current Status and Future Directions


Prof. Itay Fischhendler, Professor,  Hebrew University

Invited Speakers: 

Avri Eitan and Itay Fischhendler, Hebrew University

“The evolution of pitching in sustainability transition projects”

Roni Bluestein-Livnon, Tal Svoray, Itai Fischhendler, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Havatzelet Yahel, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 

“The use of deep learning-based image segmentation to identify leaders and laggards of Home PV in the Informal Bedouin Settlements of the Negev”

Yair Grinberger, Itay Fischhendler, Hebrew University

“Predicting laggards and leaders in rooftop solar photovoltaics: A time-space analysis”

Ariel Paz-Sawicki and Itay Fischhendler, Hebrew University, David Katz, Snr Lecturer, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Haifa

“Israel’s failure in developing a heterogeneous wind energy sector”

Dr. Gideon Friedman, Former Chief Scientist, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure

Dr. Doron Markel, Chief Scientist, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael KKL-JNF


10:30 - 11:45

torage Technologies Session: Innovations and Advances in Energy Storage Solutions


Dr. Gideon Friedman, Former Chief Scientist, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure

11:45 - 12:00


Dr. Doron Markel, Chief Scientist, KKL

12:00 - 13:30

Green Energy Innovation Session: Pioneering Sustainable Solutions

Moderator:  Dr. Vitali Haslavsky, Senior Lecturer, Azrieli College of Engineering, Jerusalem

Invited Speakers:

Dr. Alon Grinberg Dana, Asst Prof., Head of the Kinetics and Chemical Technology Lab, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, “Clear Skies Ahead: Sustainable Aviation Fuels for a Greener Future”

Prof. Iftach Yacoby, Professor, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, “How to Hijack Photosynthesis?”

Dr. Avraham Arbel, Researcher, “A Road-Based Solar System for Production, Storage, Transfer and Supply of Hydrogen and Electricity”

Dr. Jacob D Paz, CEO, Dr. Jacob Paz and Marty Paz R&D, “Greenhouse, Effects, Techno – Economic Analysis (TEA) of Biofuel and High Value Secondary Products from Microalgae Issues”

Ofer Keren, CTO, Keren Energy, “Daily Energy Management”

Amir Gil, Division Manager, CI Sensing, “MetCam – A Continues Emissions Monitoring System”

Dr. Hen Friman, Lecturer, H.I.T – Holon Institute of Technology, “Educating Future Generations About Environmental Awareness and Sustainability”

Arik Ganor, VP Business Development, QD-SOL, “Green Hydrogen Production with Nanoparticles Photocatalyst”

Gadi Bar – Ner, Business Development, Clean Flare, “Continuous Flare Monitoring”

14:30 - 16:00

Hydrogen Session: The Value Chain of Clean Fuels – Leveraging Israel's Advantage

Moderator: Dorit Banet, Founder, Eilat-Eilot Renewable Energy Company

Opening remarks: Dorit Banet, “The global perspective and the Israeli advantage”

Rotem Mizrahi, Head of Sustainability & Innovation, Israel Energy Infrastructure, “Hydrogen Valley”

Company Presentations: 

H2pro– Green hydrogen production with innovative electrolysis technology

Maygia–  Production of oil for synthetic fuels from sludge

Electriq Global– Production, storage and backup in hydrogen

Nugen– First Station Off Grid

Michael Kuflik, Co-Founder, NAKI– Production of sludge oils for the synthetic fuel industry

Expert Panel:

What is needed to support companies in overcoming the ‘valley of death’, enabling them to establish themselves as significant technological players in the global clean fuel market?


Janet Shalom, Head of Planning & Policy Division, Ministry of Energy,

Rotem Arad, H2PRO

Uzi Levin, CEO, Israel Energy Infrastructure Company

 Chen Herzog, BDO

Nimrod Levy, Business Development, Energy Division ICL, Ministry of Finance 

Rami Molcho, Vice President,  Business Development & Innovation

16:00 - 17:00

Solar Energy Systems Session: Innovations and Advances in Solar Technology

Moderator:  Dr. Pinchas Doron, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Azrieli College of Engineering, Jerusalem

Invited Speakers:

Shir Esh, Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, “Impact of Agrivoltaic Collectors with Spectral Splitting on Crop Yield”

Dr. Avi Niv, Senior Lecturer, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, “Heat Conduction and the Photovoltaic Power Production Efficiency”

Volodia Voronel, CEO, Electriwall, “Generating Clean Electricity on Building Walls”

Dan Halperin, CEO, BIPV.CO.IL, “Use of Solar Materials Integrated into Construction”

17:00 - 17:45

Fusion Energy Session: The Future of Distributed Clean Energy – An Introduction to Fusion Energy: Facts and Misconceptions

Panel moderated by Nimrod Ganzarski


Technology, Oded Gour-Lavie